
How To Make 6 Figures A Year

What Is a Half dozen-Figure Income?

A six-effigy income is a milestone that many people want to achieve, and while in some areas information technology isn't all that much, in others it is a life-changing sum.

Breaking that $100,000 barrier in your career is seen as 'making information technology' – and with a monthly income of over $8,000 it is non hard to see why getting there is desirable.

However, it isn't always easy to reach. Many of the superlative-paying jobs need formal university pedagogy or years of feel to make that income, so training and dedication are key.

When information technology comes to finding half-dozen-figure income ideas, sometimes you lot need to think outside the box, consider learning new skills and take advantage of the growth of sure sectors to notice the $100k role that is perfect for you.

What Skills Are Most Needed to Achieve a 6-Figure Income?

When information technology comes to assessing the skills you might need to achieve a half-dozen-figure income, teaching becomes of import.

In virtually cases, you lot will probably demand to achieve more than than a high school education to get at that place every bit nearly of the highest salaries come from industries that value specific technical expertise and training.

You tin can discover out about what teaching you lot might need through career exploration.

A great example of this is a surgeon.

Top surgeons can earn millions – but it isn't a job that everyone could practise. Fifty-fifty aside from the decades of studying, preparation and practicing, the financial implications of training to become a doctor are a barrier for many people.

For some of the top ways to earn a $100,000 income, a degree or postgraduate qualification is likely to be essential, but for others, you can find other means to gain the expertise and noesis needed.

Hard Skills

When you are because where to invest your time in terms of learning, tech skills seem to be the all-time place to start.

The growth of the technology industry is huge, and the potential for high earnings in multinational companies cannot be ignored.

This means, for many people, reskilling and retraining often involves learning software and technology skills, like coding languages (HTML/CSS/Python/Carmine on Rails).

Web development, both dorsum and front-stop, is a valuable tech skill needed for many roles – equally is skill in SEO and Google Analytics.

Pattern – for example, graphics and web, besides as UX and UI, are really sought subsequently tech skills that tin can assistance create a vi figure income.

All these are examples of difficult skills – and they can all be learned online, without the need for a university teaching.

Soft Skills

Soft skills are more well-nigh inherent knowledge and ability – they can't really be taught, only adult and encouraged.

Soft skills are often transferable – if yous have managed projects before, the likelihood is that you will be able to transfer that cognition to a new role.

Soft skills that are e'er in need for the highest paid roles can include:

  • Interpersonal communication
  • Problem solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Public speaking and presentation skills
  • Project management
  • Time management

These are just a few examples; yous can find out more in our comprehensive commodity on soft skills.

For those who are dedicated to earning a six-effigy income, whether through a job or passive income, some personal attributes are fifty-fifty more important.

According to some cocky-help gurus, these are the secrets to making a half-dozen-figure income:

  • Self-motivation
  • Perseverance
  • Confidence
  • Planning
  • Research
  • Embrace risks
  • Network
  • Retrieve exterior the box
  • Optimism

While these might not be 'secret', applying them tin can be difficult for some people.

Knowing that there are others out there who are easily earning half-dozen figures may aid with motivation and cocky-conventionalities – giving you the confidence to take risks and change your life by making the leap to a whole new career.

Elevation 10 Means to Earn a Vi-Figure Income

1. Software Developer

Boilerplate income: $103,620 (co-ordinate to United states News)

Software developers write the code that makes software products work – everything from video games, robots and apps, to operating systems.

Becoming a software developer ways learning coding languages and understanding syntax – and it is a function that no longer requires a computer science degree.

To become a software developer, y'all tin have online courses and coding boot camps to learn the skills necessary – and completing courses from well-known, accredited and respected sources will ensure that y'all can use for the summit-paying roles.

Detect out some tips about writing your resume with our article to assistance yous land your perfect software developer role.

Search for a software development job with WikiJob

ii. Full Stack Web Developer

Average income: $111,361 (data from Indeed)

Full-stack developers combine skills in the front and dorsum end of website evolution, working on both the creation and performance of a website.

They are the 'Swiss ground forces knife' of coding, able to provide end-to-end solutions for businesses – and as such, good full stack developers can command the highest salaries.

To go a highly marketable full stack developer, having a information science degree is a great starting point, only you tin can acquire all you demand to know online.

Focus on front-end coding – user interface languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript, jQuery, ReactJS, and responsive and mobile blueprint.

In terms of back-end development languages, there are so many to choose from – try and larn some of the more 'active' languages like Python and Ruby on Runway. Don't forget to brush upward on database management (SQL/NoSQL) and API architecture, too.

Search for a web development job with WikiJob

Ways to Earn a Six-Figure Income

Means to Earn a Six-Figure Income

3. UX Designer

Boilerplate income: for Google, $136,335 (according to Glassdoor)

UX (User Experience) designers create an environment where the end-user interacts with the product or service.

A good UX designer creates a seamless experience for customers, assuasive them to utilise online services from any device – as well equally making sure that the environment suits the audition.

UX designers are involved in market inquiry, production development, strategy and design.

Data science and computer science degrees aren't necessary, but they exercise assistance. You tin learn how to become a UX designer through online courses – the all-time ones will have the correct combination of projection-based learning and mentors and so that you lot can get back up from actual experts.

Search for a UX chore with WikiJob

4. Data Scientist

Average income: $113,309 (according to Glassdoor)

Data science sounds like a complicated office, but information technology mainly involves using and manipulating information sources to find information that can exist used to create meaningful, actionable insights.

Processing and analyzing data is useful across almost all industries, from healthcare to e-commerce.

Data scientists are often experts in statistics and probability, calculator science and communication, and although a data science degree is advantageous to gaining that top salary, online coding kick camps and other courses can provide you with the knowledge that you demand to get qualified.

Detect a data scientific discipline task with WikiJob

5. Financial Manager

Average income: $127,990 (according to US News)

A financial manager coordinates and oversees the financial activities of major companies – from financial reports to profit projections.

Financial managers need to comply with laws and regulations – and it is a competitive task market.

For many firms, the minimum qualifications needed is a bachelor's caste in finance, accounting, economics or business administration. The big companies (and those that consistently offer the biggest salaries) need a principal'due south degree.

To become one of the high-salaried roles, alongside the degree education, you lot are probable to have more than than five years of experience in finance roles.

Notice finance jobs with WikiJob

half-dozen. Airline Pilot

Average income: $110,816 (co-ordinate to Glassdoor)

Condign a airplane pilot is often a dream of children, imagining taking to the skies.

Qualifying equally a airplane pilot might non demand formal didactics in terms of university degrees, but there are strict training requirements. Condign any kind of pilot needs a license and a certain number of flight hours.

You can learn to become an airline airplane pilot through a full-time integrated course or modular training. Either way, it tin be a costly career path, with preparation costing between $70–200k.

When you consider that captains tin earn several hundred k dollars and the demand for well-trained pilots increases twelvemonth on twelvemonth, the investment can seem worth it.

If you want to find out whether you lot are suited to a career as an airline airplane pilot, it might aid you to learn more about the pilot aptitude tests that are part of the application process.

7. Realtor

Average income: depending on location, top earners can hands brand $100k+

Existent manor is a market that seems to be steady, with property property value and remaining a tradeable commodity. People are always looking for new homes, then becoming a real estate agent gives you lot the opportunity to make money from this commutation.

Real estate agents are typically paid through commission, and with average rates at almost 5%, selling $4 million in property volition get you a dainty six-effigy income.

Becoming a existent estate amanuensis means passing an exam to get licensed, and working on behalf of a real estate broker. The verbal rules for licensing practice vary from state to land, so some research is needed to ensure that yous meet local requirements.

Earning a vi-figure commission is more than likely when the area yous are buying and selling houses has high prices – for example, in larger metropolitan areas.

Moving into real estate is a popular option for those looking for a midlife career change, making the most of transferable skills from other careers.

8. Network Marketing

Boilerplate income: early adopters and some other network marketers can earn over $100k

Network marketing, as well known every bit direct sales and multi-level marketing, is a process where a visitor creates a product or service and then recruits independent reps to sell it for them.

These reps are paid commission on sales and encourage others to sign upward nether them – and and then are as well paid a percentage of their 'downwardly-line' sales.

It is popular with those looking for stay-at-home working opportunities.

Network marketing is certainly non for the faint-hearted, information technology isn't like shooting fish in a barrel to make those vi-figure sums. In many cases, independent reps must invest coin in starter kits and products before they can make money, and it isn't rare to discover network marketers who make a loss.

If you are prepared to use your network, encourage others to take the adventure, and invest money, free energy and commitment, then achieving that six-effigy income can happen.

9. Property Investment

Average income: $100k+ depending on area and holding types

Property investment is credited as a slap-up way to make money, with many millionaires investing in belongings portfolios for the huge tax breaks.

Getting into property investment doesn't need a caste – or any formal didactics – just you do need to have some thought of what the market place is similar and where investment is probable to exist more buoyant.

Whether you buy a 'logroller-upper' to remodel and sell for a profit, desire to make the nearly of ongoing income from rental yield, or make the about of tourism with an Airbnb, belongings investment makes sense if y'all are looking to become asset rich.

Of grade, to make the half-dozen-figure income from holding, you lot need to have a rather large portfolio – so it might take some time and there are risks involved.

10. Passive Income

Average income: hard to define, depends on streams called

'Passive income' is a term used to define means you can make coin without having to do anything.

For some entrepreneurs, passive income earns them a fortune while they sleep; just the reality is, you need to create one thing and sell it lots of times.

This might be an eBook or an online class, for case.

Passive income streams tin include:

  • YouTube. Creating videos on almost any bailiwick can get subscribers – and YouTube channels that have a certain number of subscribers can get money from adverts placed in and effectually their uploads. This ad revenue can make money on an ongoing basis.

  • Onlyfans/Patreon. This is creating content specifically for subscribers, who are unremarkably paying a monthly amount. This content can be videos, music or even learning resource.

  • Affiliate marketing. If you have a blog or a website, affiliate links can aid you earn money from links placed in your content.

  • Index funds. A passive portfolio of stocks and bonds that have lower fees than those that are actively managed.

  • High dividend stocks. Owning loftier-yield stocks in a visitor tin can be a risky business, just the rewards can be much higher.

  • Become a concern silent partner. If you have money to invest, you lot could get a silent partner in a business that needs funds in render for a percentage of the profits.

The amount of income from each stream will vary, of course, but a combination of these can add upwardly to help yous achieve a comfy six-figure income – without an hourly commitment.

Concluding Thoughts

Achieving a 6-figure income is seen as the criterion for success – and there are and so many routes for getting at that place, depending on what your education, background and interests are.

If you are just starting on your career path or looking at routes through college teaching, so getting a degree in your chosen field (peculiarly one in the growth industries like tech, software and health) is a peachy place to start.

Following a career path that moves towards one of the top paid jobs, if you can, makes you lot more probable to get the qualifications and the experience you need to accomplish that magic number.

Of course, if you have talent and expertise in about any niche, you can achieve the highest income – if you tin apply that alongside the drive, self-motivation and will to succeed.

Taking the time to research careers and income sources that tin can net y'all the about money – and then working on gaining the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to be in the position to make the most of them – is how you will get there.

Make the most of your inherent talent and skills – aslope your passion – to achieve that 6-figure bacon in 2022.

How To Make 6 Figures A Year,


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