
How Long Does It Take To Learn Spanish Fluently

The ten All-time Ways to Learn Spanish (Be Fluent Faster!)

"What's the best fashion to acquire Spanish?"

Spanish was the first language I learned to a conversational level, and then I become this question a lot. People often desire a magic bullet: what's the i best method or technique to get the Spanish language into their heads?

Here's a secret: in that location is no one best way to written report Spanish. There are almost as many constructive ways to learn Spanish as there are people who take learned it.

With that existence said, for every effective style to learn Spanish, there are even more ineffective means. Accept information technology from me – I tried and failed repeatedly for years to gain a passable level of Spanish, and kept falling apartment on my confront.

Even six months of living in Valencia didn't aid.

Eventually, I managed to learn Castilian to a loftier level of fluency, and even accept a C2 diploma (the highest level) in the linguistic communication.

In this post I'll outline some of the most common and effective methods for studying Spanish. I tin can't tell y'all what the "all-time" program is for your specific needs – only you can figure that out. Experiment with different approaches until y'all discover what works best for you.

Table of contents

  • 1. My Favourite Fashion to Learn Spanish: Speaking From Day 1
  • ii. Stop Speaking English! Report Spanish Through Immersion
  • 3. Study Castilian by Listening to Podcasts and Audio Courses
  • 4. Study Spanish by Taking a University Course
  • 5. Take a Spanish Summertime School Course
  • 6. Learn Spanish With a Tutor (Online or In-Person)
  • 7. Complimentary Option: Learn Spanish with a Language Partner
  • 8. Go to Spanish Linguistic communication Meetups
  • 9. Join a Linguistic communication Learning Challenge
  • 10. Brand Spanish Words Stick in Your Brain Using Mnemonics
  • Extra Resources to Learn Spanish

I tin can clinch you: just because you've failed in the past doesn't mean you're doomed.

If yous're struggling with Spanish, it's not considering you lot "don't accept the language cistron". Yous probably but don't have the right study method.

My mission today is to help you figure it out.

1. My Favourite Mode to Learn Castilian: Speaking From Day One

Related Learning: Benny's TEDx Talk: Speak From Day One

In my outset half-dozen months in Spain, I inappreciably learned anything in the language. It wasn't for lack of trying. I'd put the endeavour in (or and then I thought) just I simply wasn't able to get in work.

Then, I hit upon the nigh important realisation I've ever made in my journeying to language-learning success. Once I fabricated this discovery, everything changed. And before long, I was having confident conversations in Spanish.

What was the secret?

I needed to speak Spanish.

That might sound obvious, only information technology'south advice that many would-be Spanish speakers (like my 21-year-old self!) struggle to follow.

Instead, they attempt to learn Spanish past burying their olfactory organ in books, occasionally watching a Castilian movie (with English subtitles), and so speaking English all day with their friends, family and coworkers.

No wonder I learned so slowly!

At Fluent in 3 Months (Fi3M) I've e'er advocated that you speak from day one. Speaking Spanish is a skill, and to learn any skill you must practice it! Simply open your mouth, and don't be afraid to brand a few mistakes.

If you speak from day one, you'll find information technology'southward possible to have real (albeit imperfect) conversations with native speakers far sooner than you think.

If you're non certain how to get started, don't worry, I've got your back! In my Conversation Inaugural course, I'll accept you from a total beginner in Castilian (or any language) to the bespeak where you can have your kickoff chat with a native speaker in every bit little as a week.

2. End Speaking English! Written report Spanish Through Immersion

Related Learning: 16 Ways to Immerse Yourself at Abode

When I broke through my barriers in Valencia and finally started making progress with Spanish, there were two reasons why I succeeded.

It wasn't just that I started speaking Spanish equally much as possible. It was that I completely stopped speaking English. For one calendar month, I committed to speaking no English whatsoever, and succeeded. Not a single discussion of English escaped my mouth during these xxx days.

I've since used the same approach for many other languages: living in the state and having a strict policy of speaking just the language I'chiliad learning.

This is the immersion approach, and it'due south extremely effective.

The reason is simple. Forty hours of intensive Spanish immersion in a single week volition be far more valuable than forty hours spread out haphazardly over a few weeks. The more often you immerse yourself, the less fourth dimension you waste trying to remember what yous learned concluding time you lot spoke Spanish.

My friend Scott Young took this approach to its extreme when he learned 4 languages in a year. The cardinal rule that helped him succeed? No English.

"But Benny," you're probably thinking, "you got to live in Spain! It must take been easy to immerse yourself at that place. What about people who can't practice that?"

Don't worry, you don't accept to travel to a Spanish-speaking country to immerse yourself. I've learned several languages while living nowhere near the countries where they're spoken.

Besides, immersion doesn't take to exist an all-or-zero thing. Depending on your job and your lifestyle, it's probably impractical to avoid English language 100% of the time. Just endeavor to minimise the amount of English you do speak, even if you tin't eliminate it completely.

3. Written report Spanish by Listening to Podcasts and Audio Courses

Related Learning: Linguistic communication Learning Podcasts: Can You Learn a Linguistic communication past Listening to Podcasts?

Travelling to the state is no guarantee that y'all'll be immersed. Information technology's piece of cake to go trapped in the expat bubble (like I initially did in Valencia). It's definitely possible to achieve immersion in your home country.

Castilian podcasts and audio courses are no substitute for speaking practice. However, they brand a great supplement, and can give structure to your learning.

My favourite Spanish podcast for Spanish learners of all levels is SpanishPod101. The creator, Innovative Linguistic communication, offers courses in more than than thirty languages.

I'm also a big fan of Mimic Method Castilian that volition help you lot chief the 39 Elemental Sounds of Spanish, and so you can ace your Castilian pronunciation.

Finally, you might like to bank check out LingQ, which has thousands of hours of Spanish listening resources for all levels. LingQ is especially good if yous similar to read forth while y'all listen.

4. Study Castilian by Taking a University Form

Related Learning: How to Learn a Language While Studying Abroad

I accept a degree in Electronic Engineering, and didn't take any success with language learning until after I'd already graduated.

But many universities offer degrees in Spanish, and if you're serious almost getting your Spanish to a high level, this is a legitimate option.

The advantages of a degree are:

  • You'll learn to speak, read and write Spanish at a very high level.
  • You lot'll acquire to understand the language and all its inner workings, going deep in your study of Castilian grammar and the subtleties of the language.
  • You lot'll report more than just the language itself! You'll acquire nigh Spanish literature, the language'south history, and the civilization and history of countries where it's spoken.
  • Yous'll typically spend part of your caste, maybe a semester or an entire year, living and studying in a Castilian-speaking country. A perfect opportunity for the immersion that I mentioned above!

At some universities y'all may be able to study Spanish alongside something else – e.1000. as a "modest" in the American organization. Sometimes it's possible to get a caste in two languages simultaneously. Frequently, you study one language that you've already started learning (e.g. in secondary school), and another ab initio ("from scratch").

The obvious disadvantages of a bachelor's caste are that it takes three or four years to earn one and, depending on the country, can be very expensive. At that place are faster, cheaper ways to get your Spanish to an impressive level.

A bachelor's degree in Spanish is definitely not for everyone. Just information technology'southward the correct choice for some people.

five. Accept a Spanish Summer Schoolhouse Course

Related Learning: You Can Accomplish Proficiency in a New Language in Just 24-Weeks with Classroom Learning

If you don't have the fourth dimension or desire to get a full degree in Spanish, consider a shorter course in a language schoolhouse.

Many schools offer intensive programs, which can exist a great style to gain the kind of immersion I described higher up.

What's even amend is a "total immersion program", in which you and your swain learners alive on the school's premises and pledge to speak only Spanish for the duration of the course.

Middlebury College in the U.S., for example, is well-known for its intensive immersion programs. Remember I said that you don't need to travel to a Spanish-speaking country to gain immersion!

I tin't give advice on specific schools, because information technology obviously depends on where you are. Read online reviews and try to talk to former students to see if you can acquire a bit almost the programme and decide whether it suits your learning way earlier yous sign up.

six. Learn Spanish With a Tutor (Online or In-Person)

Related Learning: How to Discover the Right Online Language Tutor for Your Language Classes

With classroom learning, you generally motility at the pace of the slowest learner. That'southward why small class sizes are ameliorate. Best of all is a class size of ane.

I-on-i tutoring is often surprisingly close in cost to group lessons in a classroom. This is particularly true for online tutoring, since your tutor doesn't take to spend fourth dimension travelling to meet you. If you can afford it, I highly recommend seeking a one-on-one tutor.

Preply is a popular platform where you can find ane-on-one Spanish tutors who can requite you lessons over video chat.

The cost of lessons is very reasonable, with a great choice of tutors available from just a few dollars per hour

Different Spanish teachers accept different styles; don't exist afraid to shop around and try a few different teachers before settling on one that you similar.

In-person Spanish lessons aren't necessarily meliorate than online lessons. Information technology'south very convenient to exist able to have lessons from your own abode.

In fact, while learning Mandarin in Taiwan, I ended upward switching from in-person to Skype lessons with the same tutor. Fifty-fifty though we lived in the same city, information technology wasn't worth the effort and travel time to meet in person.

vii. Gratuitous Option: Larn Castilian with a Linguistic communication Partner

Related Learning: Language Exchange Partners: The Ultimate Guide

"Simply Benny, I can't afford Spanish lessons with a tutor or at a language school! And no 1 in my expanse speaks Spanish! How can I practise?"

Death to your excuses, I say! There's still a way: find a language exchange partner (sometimes called a language tandem partner or a chat partner).

If you're reading this, you speak English. That means there's a lot of Spanish speakers who'd like to practise their English language with you. In return, many of them would exist happy to let you exercise Castilian with them.

If you lot can find a Castilian-speaking language partner in your city and can meet upward in person, that's bully. If you tin't, there are apps that can help you! I've used HelloTalk and liked it a lot.

A language exchange tin be structured any mode you want. You might but desire to casually converse with your partner nigh any comes to mind, switching languages at a predefined interval (e.chiliad. every v or ten minutes). Or you could work through a series of structured exercises or language games together.

It'southward up to you.

Many people end upward condign adept friends with their language exchange partners, fifty-fifty visiting each other in their home countries!

8. Go to Spanish Language Meetups

Related Learning: 11 Steps to Learn a New Language with Meetups… Even if You Feel Terrified!

A linguistic communication exchange doesn't have to be 1-on-ane.

In many cities yous tin can notice "language exchange" events, where people from all over the globe assemble to speak and practise many languages together. is a expert place to find events like this.

The popularity of Spanish equally a second language means that most major cities take meetup groups that are merely for Spanish speakers who want to learn English language and visa versa. Some meetup groups are more open-ended, open to speakers of all languages.

The danger of events similar these is that yous tin can end upwards having the same conversations over and over with the people you meet: "where are you from?", "what practise yous do?", etc.

The best linguistic communication exchanges avoid this problem by adding some structure. For example, y'all may play some language games together or be given specific conversation starters or topics to talk about.

If at that place are no Spanish linguistic communication groups in your area, go ahead and create your own. Anyone can create a group on, and you're jump to get several members joining up who have been hoping for a group like this for ages.

9. Join a Language Learning Claiming

Related Learning: Why Language Learnings Quit — and How to Beat the "Motivational Killers"

Learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint, and learners sometimes struggle with motivation.

One bully way to solve this problem is to join a linguistic communication learning community.

If you surround yourself with other people who are on the same journey equally yous, no matter the linguistic communication, you'll all be able to support and encourage each other in pursuit of your shared goal.

Learning communities can be offline or online. If you're having classroom lessons, then I hope your class feels similar a learning community! You're all in it together, so why not assistance each other out and support each other?

Online communities tin be powerful also. At Fi3M, we run a regular event chosen the Fluent in 3 Months Claiming. People from all around the world commit to having a 15-minute conversation with a native speaker of their new language after just 90 days of written report.

Our participants have seen great results.

10. Make Spanish Words Stick in Your Brain Using Mnemonics

Related Learning: How to Think Spanish Words: The "Word Bridge" Technique and Other Memory Hacks for Spanish Learners

Mnemonics isn't an entire study method in itself, simply it's yet a powerful tool that every linguistic communication learner should be familiar with.

Languages require a great deal of memorization: vocabulary, grammer rules, phrases, idioms, etc. There are better and worse ways to get all this information into your head, and the best way is to become skilled at mnemonics.

A "mnemonic" is a retention technique that uses imagery or other mental cues to help you quickly recall data.

There are many different kinds of mnemonics, but they all use the same underlying principle: when something is difficult to call back, discover a manner to acquaintance it with something that is easy to remember.

The topic of mnemonics goes deep. I avant-garde technique is the memory palace. You construct a mental paradigm of a edifice (or buildings) you lot know well, and then imagine placing items at different locations in the edifice to remind yous of sure words or concepts.

Mnemonic techniques like the memory palace take practice to get good at. Once you're good at them, they easily repay the initial time investment. They're an extremely effective way to memorize large amounts of vocabulary.

Whew, this is a lot of options to choose from! But this is exactly what I wanted to give you: choice. Learning a linguistic communication is easier when you find the method that works best for you.

You might have constitute that one of these techniques is the best mode to learn Spanish for you. Or you might have understood that you desire to mix ii or three of them and go from there. That's amazing!

And if you want to consider some more resources to include in your linguistic communication learning process, hither are a few posts that might help you:

  • Read in Spanish: 30+ Resources for Spanish Reading Practice
  • Listen to Spanish: 50+ Amazing Spanish Listening Resources
  • Spanish for Kids: Where to Start and Online Resources
  • Benny'due south Top Resource for Learning Spanish

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Benny Lewis

Founder, Fluent in iii Months

Fun-loving Irish guy, full-time globe trotter and international bestselling writer. Benny believes the best approach to language learning is to speak from twenty-four hours ane.

Speaks: Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Esperanto, Mandarin Chinese, American Sign Language, Dutch, Irish gaelic

View all posts by Benny Lewis


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