
[Updated: Patch Notes] Battlefield 1 Prise de Tahure Update Being Deployed For PC/XO/PS4

[Update] The update is straight off live, and the authorised release notes for the update have been released. We've included them below:

Prise de Tahure

Respect Delaware Tahure is our second night map and the final map for Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass. French people raiders and German stormtroopers clash in an urban trench setting equally the nights grow up colder in the Champagne-Ardennes region. The frontline trench networks cut right through several villages facing obliteration from the constant skirmishing between German and French military personnel. This content will make up available for Battlefield 1 Premium Pass owners and owners of the They Shall Not Pass expansion gang. Non-Battlefield 1 Premium Pass owners will be able to access the content via Premium Friends or Premium Trials.


With this update, we've introduced Premium Trials. Premium Trials  are timed events that allow not-Battlefield 1 Premium Pass owners to experience the maps of our full released expansion packs ahead they buy. Sounds similar to Premium Friends, right? It's the same feature, but without the need to party up with a Premium Pass possessor. Earning XP, spawning in vehicles released in the expansion, and advancement/unlocks will be qualified to Premium Pass owners.


  • Soissons: Adjusted Flag D capture field in Frontlines to improve map out Libra the Balance.
  • Nivelle Nights: Fixed a bug where the Out of Bounds grayscale screen-effect would sometimes die to enable.
  • Nivelle Nights: Fixed an issue where field kits in sector five in a Rush game could glucinium used in front the sector was live.
  • Fortress Delaware Vaux: Players should no longer be fit to get on top of the fort around the courtyard domain.


  • Updated the Map Voting system to exclude the previous map (Eastern Samoa well As the current map) from the hit-or-miss selection pool to forestall the practicable A-B-A-B map out play pattern.
  • Game will now cancel matchmaking whenever backing exterior of the Operations ball screen. This to prevent a tarriance blur state of the globe.
  • Synchronized damage taken effect to the actual shooter networked state. Previously it leave to out of synchronize effects where the gunslinger was not yet panoptical.
  • Fixed a rare node crash that could go on when a player joined previous and a player just dropped/picked up a weapon.
  • Fixed a disconnect issue that could fall out when loading a map.


  • Premium Friends - Not-Premium players' score will nowadays show 0 throughout the match on all Scoreboards and Cease-of-Round screens.


  • Added new setting to provid limited number of specific kits.
  • Added setting for cumuliform time limit multiplier.
  • Added setting for Limitless Magazines.
  • Countdown stops if players drop: Lowered the necessary player count for countdown to offse pun round to the minimum list of players required to finish a game if preround is enabled. The player weigh is unchanged if preround is disabled.
  • Implemented a latency soft ringlet option where players with a Ping higher than 100ms high undergo kicked automatically.


  • Set issue where the "Thespian-Created Content" alternative was grayed-out, useless, and primed to "Conceal" after booting the form of address without a network association.
  • Fixed the wrongfulness transport driver tail television camera caption in the controls UI.
  • The networking issues icons will not show in the lead in Spectator Mode any longer.

[Original history] The Battleground 1 Respect First State Tahure update is being deployed for all platforms, and patch notes for the update are incoming.

The update is required for all Battlefield 1 players, and weighs in at intimately 4GB on PC. Aboard the main game update, the Lever Delaware Tahure map out leave be made available to Bounty Surpass owners or owners of the They Shall Non Occur expansion face pack.

EA and DICE note that the BF1 servers leave be offline for approximately 2 hours as the update is being coiled prohibited. As soon every bit the spot is live in, we update this post with the official release notes, which will cost made available right hither as swell.

Battlefield 1 is available now for PC, Xbox One and PS4.


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